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What category does scale inhibitor belong to

Scale inhibitors are a type of chemical used primarily to reduce or prevent the formation of scale and sediment in pipelines, equipment, or systems. They can achieve scale inhibition by changing the chemical balance in water, dissolving the scale layer, or forming a protective film layer.

According to their mode of action and main components, scale inhibitors can be divided into different categories, including but not limited to the following:

Phosphate scale inhibitors: Phosphate scale inhibitors combine with calcium and magnesium plasma to form insoluble salt precipitates, thereby reducing the formation of scale.

Corrosion inhibitor: Corrosion inhibitor forms a protective film by adsorbing on the metal surface, reducing the corrosion rate of the metal and the release of metal ions, thereby reducing the formation of scale.

Chelating agent: Chelating agent can form stable complexes with metal ions, thereby preventing metal ions from forming precipitation or scaling, achieving the goal of scale inhibition.

Dispersant: Dispersants can change the surface charge of suspended particles in water and form negatively charged colloidal particles, dispersing them in water to avoid sedimentation and sedimentation.

It should be noted that different scale inhibitors are suitable for different water quality and application fields. When selecting and using scale inhibitors, it is necessary to refer to the product manual or consult professional advice based on specific circumstances and needs to ensure safe and efficient control of scale and sediment formation. In addition, when using scale inhibitors, relevant environmental and safety regulations should be followed, and proper storage, operation, and handling should be carried out.

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