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Detection method of isothiazolinone

Imidazolinone is a pesticide commonly used for the control of weeds in the field. The following is one of the detection methods for isothiazolinone:

Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is a commonly used analytical method for the detection of isothiazolinone.

The steps are as follows:

Sample extraction: Extract samples to be tested (such as plant tissue, soil, etc.). The commonly used extraction solvents can be acetonitrile or acidified methanol.

Extraction: Use appropriate methods to extract isothiazolinone from the sample. The extraction method can be either solid-phase extraction or liquid-liquid extraction.

Evaporation concentration: The extracted solution is evaporated through a solvent to concentrate it.

Derivatization: Use appropriate dye derivatization reagents to chemically react with the concentrated sample to form detectable derivatives.

GC-MS analysis: Use a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry instrument to analyze derivatives. GC separation will separate derivatives based on sample characteristics, and then detect and identify them through MS.

Before conducting testing, please ensure that relevant safety operating procedures are followed, and appropriate experimental equipment and quality control steps are used to ensure accurate and reliable results. In addition, it is recommended to refer to relevant industry standards or regulatory requirements to select suitable testing methods and instruments.

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